本機專門測試產(chǎn)品包裝后,受到墜落時之受損情況,及評估電子組件在搬運時,遭受落下之耐沖擊強度。本機采用電磁控制,試料能瞬間自由落下,包裝容器之棱、角、面均可測試。 This machine is designed specially for testing the damage of those packaged products which fall down to the ground,and it can evaluate the impact-resistance strength of electronic assembly which falls down during transporation。This machine is controlled by an electromagnetic device which can drop down the specimen freely and immediately。All the rhombohedron,angle,face of the package container can be tested。
This machine is designed specially for testing the damage of those packaged products which fall down to the ground,and it can evaluate the impact-resistance strength of electronic assembly which falls down during transporation。This machine is controlled by an electromagnetic device which can drop down the specimen freely and immediately。All the
rhombohedron,angle,face of the package container can be tested。